ICACS26 (2014) 会议通知
ICACS Debrecen - 13-18 July, 2014
ICACS (the International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids) is a biannual meeting, which deals with physical and chemical phenomena induced by the interaction of low and high energy beams (hyperthermal up to relativistic velocities) of charged or dressed particles (singly up to highly charged ions, atoms and clusters, photons, electrons, antiprotons, etc.) with the surface and the bulk of solids and also liquids. The most recent meetings have been held in Kyoto (Japan, 2012), Krakow (Poland, 2010), Phalaborwa (South Africa, 2008), Berlin (Germany, 2006) and Genova (Italy, 2004).
The objectives of ICACS-26 are to assess the state of the art in the current understanding of a variety of basic phenomena in the electron and atom dynamics such as charge-exchange processes collective as well as single-particle excitation and ionization energy loss, scattering and channeling of primary particles electron and photon emission processes sputtering, erosion and desorption processes collision induced physical, chemical and biological reactions radiation damage and materials modification.