Abstract preparation instructions for REI-16
Abstract preparation instructions for REI-16
A. First,(a) B. Second,(b,a) and C. Third(b)
(a) Name and address of the Institution to which author(s) is (are) affiliated
(b) Name and address of the Institution to which author(s) is (are) affiliated
This is a sample abstract for the 16th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI-16) to be held at Peking University, Beijing, China. Prior to submitting your abstract, please read the instructions and important information given here.
The conference is accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (doc) or Microsoft Word 2007 (docx), and should be written in English on one A4 page, single-spaced, using Times New Roman font with font size of 12 pts, and justified. Leave an overall margin of 3.0 cm (1.18 in) on each side of the page. The title should be typed in 14 pts boldface letters and centered. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized. The name of the presenting author (12 pts) should be underlined. Affiliation(s) (10 pts) should appear in a new line just after the list of authors. The abstract itself should be a maximum of 500 words. References (10 pts) may be included and indicated using numerals in square brackets [1-3]. One figure (in black and white or grey scale as shown below) may be inserted provided the abstract remains within a single A4 page. Please note that accuracy of the abstract is responsibility of the author(s) and no changes will be possible after the submission deadline. Authors will be notified by e-mail when the abstract has been received.
Figure Caption The REI-16 conference logo shown in grey scale.
Information regarding the suggested conference topic (as listed in the website) and preferred presentation (oral or poster) should be indicated at the bottom of the page. Abstracts should be submitted on-line through the Abstract Submission link at the REI-2011 website (http://www.rei2011.org/). Only in case that you are unable to submit the abstract on-line, please send an electronic copy to rei16-beijing@pku.edu.cn. Abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, March 30th, 2011.
A message of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail on May 5th, 2011. The final decision about oral or poster presentation will be made by the organizing committee and communicated to the corresponding author with the acceptance note.
[1] A. Nameone, B. Nametwo, C. C. Namethree, et. al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 999 (2011) 10-15.
[2] D. Nameone Jr., and F. Nametwo, Title of the book, third ed., Publisher, City, 2010.
[3] G. Nameone, and H. I. Nametwo, Title of the chapter, in: J. Someone, K. Somebody (Eds.), Title of the book, Publisher, City, 2015, pp. 50-65.