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林炜平Weiping Lin


Ph.D., Professor, Doctoral Supervisor





       从2011年到近代物理研究所攻读博士开始,就一直从事中能重离子核反应研究,包括核物质的性质(对称能的密度依赖)研究、原子核液气相变研究、原子核中核子的费米运动和三体核力研究、丰中子核的中子密度分布实验测量。2016年7月参加工作以来开始从事核天体实验研究,包括天体物理s-过程中子源反应13C(α, n)16O的实验研究。2018年开始从事核聚变诊断中的中性粒子探测技术研究。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文40多篇,其中SCI论文30多篇。


1. 重离子核反应(对称能的密度依赖、原子核液气相变、三体核力)

2. 丰中子核的中子密度分布实验测量

3. 核天体物理

4. 核聚变诊断

Professor, Ph.D.

Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University

Chengdu 610064

P.R. China

Tel: (+86) 28-85412379

E-mail: linwp1204@scu.edu.cn


2011.09—2016.07, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.

2007.09—2011.06, Sichuan University, B.S.


● Heavy-ion reaction(Density dependence of symmetry energy, nuclear liquid-gas phase transition, three-body force)

● Experimental measurement of neutron density distribution of neutron rich nuclei

● Nuclear astrophysics

● Nuclear fusion diagnosis

代表性论文和成果Selected Publications and Achievements:

1. W. Lin, X. Liu, M. R. D. Rodrigues et al., Novel determination of density, temperature, and symmetry energy for nuclear multifragmentation through primary fragment-yield reconstruction. Phys Rev C 89, 021601(R) (2014).

2. W. Lin, X. Liu, M. R. D. Rodrigues et al., Experimental reconstruction of primary hot isotopes and characteristic properties of the fragmenting source in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy. Phys Rev C 90, 044603 (2014).

3. W. Lin, X. Liu, R. Wada et al., High-energy proton emission and Fermi motion in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions. Phys Rev C 94, 064609 (2016).

4. W. Lin, P. Ren, H. Zheng et al., Sensitivity study of experimental measures for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition in the statistical multifragmentation model. Phys Rev C 97, 054615 (2018).

5. W. Lin, P. Ren, H. Zheng et al., Solidarity of signal of measures for the liquid-gas phase transition in the statistical multifragmentation model. Phys Rev C 99, 054616 (2019).


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1971-4025