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汪 渊Yuan Wang


Ph.D, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor




E-Mail: wyuan@scu.edu.cn

       汪渊,男,1971年12月出生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。教育部新世纪优秀人才。四川省学术技术带头人后备人选。四川省核学会核燃料循环与材料专委会副主任委员。四川省科技青年联合会理事。荣获2009-2010年度四川大学“优秀教师”光荣称号。2005年获西安交通大学材料学博士学位。2005年-2007年在北京有色金属研究总院从事合作研究。2006年曾赴香港城市大学机械工程及工程管理系从事合作研究。2007年作为引进人才至四川大学原子核科学技术研究所工作。2011年2月-2012年2月赴美国马里兰大学(UMCP)化学与生物工程系做访问学者。主持或参与国家重点研发计划,国家国际科技合作专项,国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目,国家973计划子项目,国防军品配套项目,四川省科技厅支撑计划等多项科研项目。在Nano Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Advanced Functional Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Scripta Materialia等一流学术刊物发表SCI论文近百篇,获准国家发明专利10余项。目前课题组在研的项目包括国家重点研发计划重点专项,国家国际科技合作专项,国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目。


1. 材料表面改性及辐照效应研究;

2. 功能薄膜材料的制备、设计及量化表征研究;

3. 锂离子电池电极材料设计及改性研究。


Professor, Ph.D.

Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Sichuan University

Chengdu 610064


Tel: (86)028-85412374

Email: wyuan@scu.edu.cn


2001--2005, Xian Jiaotong University, Ph.D

1995--1998, Lanzhou University of Technology, M.S

1989--1993, Lanzhou University of Technology, B.S


1. Surface Modification and Irradiation Effects of Advanced Materials

2. Design, Characterization and Preparation of Thin Solid Films

3. All-Solid-State Lithium-ion Batteries

近期发表的代表性论文Selected Publications and Achievements:

[1]. Fretting wear resistance of amorphous/amorphous (AlCrFeNi)N/TiN high entropy nitride nanolaminates, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023, accepted.

[2]. Tailoring zincophilicity via amorphous Se-rich selenides coating for stable Zn anode, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 472, 145016.

[3]. Amorphization activated by semicoherent interfaces of FCC/BCC HEA multilayers during deformation, Materials & Design, 2023, 225, 111469.

[4]. Irradiation tolerance enhanced by coherent interfaces of FCC/BCC HEA multilayers, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2023, 457, 129338.

[5]. Engineering crystal water in potassium ammonium vanadate for fast Zn-ion storage, Chemical Communications, 2023, 59, 342-345.

[6]. Micro-defects evolution of (Al0.33Cr0.21Fe0.28Zr0.18)O2 and (Al0.33Cr0.2Mn0.09Fe0.22Zr0.16)O2 induced by hydrogen ions irradiation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47, 13762-13770.

[7]. Toward a high-performance aqueous zinc ion battery: potassium vanadate nanobelts and carbon enhanced zinc foil, Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 2738-2744.

[8]. A high-power and long-life aqueous rechargeable Zn-ion battery based on hierarchically porous sodium vanadate, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 9174-9177.

[9]. High Curie temperature ferromagnetism and high hole mobility in tensile strained Mn-doped SiGe thin films, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2002513.

[10]. Segregation of Al1.5CrFeNi high entropy alloys induced by vacancy-type defects, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 161, 40-43.

[11]. Electrochemical performance of patterned LiFePO4 nano-electrode with a pristine amorphous layer, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104, 171604 (1-4).

[12]. Architecturing hierarchical function layers on self-assembled viral templates as 3D nano-array electrodes for integrated Li-ion microbatteries, Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 293-300.
